More specifically, it is organized in five units (or lessons):
Unit 1, with the title “High-speed access networks”, gives an overview of current technology used for broadband access to the Internet, with focus on xDSL, WiMAX and LTE. OFDM, the digital modulation technique predominating in broadband access, is studied in more depth and a LAB exercise (in MATLAB) is worked out on it.
Unit 2, under the title “Topics on Internet Networking”, focuses on addressing and routing issues (algorithms and protocols) in the Internet, including broadcast and multicast routing.
Unit 3 is devoted to mechanisms used for providing multiple services in the Internet (differentiated services and services with a QoS guarantee). A programming assignment on the simulation of such mechanisms (using MATLAB) is scheduled.
Unit 4 covers multimedia networking issues. Another programming assignment on subjects of this unit is scheduled.
Finally, Unit 5 gives an overview of encryption and network security.
A refreshment on MATLAB and JAVA programming is offered during the course, as appropriate.
Contents & Calendar: see respective document